ArticleMay 16, 2024by included

Mental Health Awareness Week

Taking the time to focus on our mental well-being has never been more essential.

We believe that sharing experiences and strategies can make a significant difference in how we manage stress, anxiety, and overall mental health. This week we’ve asked members of our team to share some personal insights and effective tips that have enhanced their mental well-being.

Whether you’re looking for new ways to unwind after a busy day, seeking strategies to manage workplace stress, or simply need a reminder that you’re not alone in your journey, hopefully our team’s experiences can help.

Vikki finds being in nature can help to balance busy days:

“I love country walks and have recognised how refreshing and grounding I find being outdoors in nature.  To maintain balance and maintain my own mental health I make an effort to schedule time to step away from the desk to walk the dog during lunch and get some fresh air.

If I’m finding work and life particularly busy I make sure I pause for a longer walk over the weekend to completely reset. I find it amazing how a long country walk gives me the mental time and space to think things through, process and regroup.”

Meditation and time management are particularly effective for Michelle:

“Regular doses of focusing on my breath and clearing my mind has led to me feeling more resilient. This is alongside being more active with a balance of high intensity classes in there too.

I also have a 5/35 past rule – I try to start each meeting at 5 past (or 35 past) instead of trying to end with 5 mins to spare. I found the latter is often eaten up, but by starting later I have a guaranteed breather for either the quick break or to get an urgent action ticked off. This leaves me both more refreshed and having fewer actions later on in the evening too.”

Lydia has benefited from counselling and acknowledging that we can only control so much in our lives:

“For me, talking therapy has been really useful in interrupting the day-to-day and offering time for reflection. Not all talking therapy has felt right for me, but I’ve recently found a neurodivergent affirming counsellor who is fabulous. She’s helping me understand not only my feelings and experiences, but how they connect to my neurotype. So often we don’t allow ourselves the time to be the ‘centre of attention’, or the person being helped – but we deserve this support too.

If I’m feeling buried under too many worries/stresses, I find it useful to list everything, then identify which I have any control over. Those I don’t, I try to mindfully acknowledge that, and those I do, I identify exactly how I can make the change I need.

Small changes, big shifts; they all add up.”

Anthony has discovered benefits in all areas of life from regular exercise:

“Before I started going to the gym regularly, I found myself in a relentless cycle of stress and anxiety. It’s amazing how working out (even just two or three times per week) can alter your outlook and make such a difference in your life.I noticed physical benefits almost immediately – boosted energy levels, more focus/productivity and generally feeling healthier and more resilient.

But more importantly, my gym sessions have become a dedicated time to disconnect from the pressures of the outside world. Regular workouts have positively affected my mental energy and balance, and I find myself able to be more present in everything I do. Exercise not only transforms your body, but your mindset too.”

Hopefully these insights have sparked new ideas and remember, taking care of your mental health is a vital component of overall well-being, and small, consistent steps can lead to significant positive changes.

You can find more resources and discussions on enhancing your mental health, managing stress, and achieving a healthier work-life balance in your business by exploring this article.

You can also read about some simple steps to reduce stress in your workplace here.

Please continue to take care of yourself, support others and build a community where open conversations about mental health are encouraged.

Feel free to share any stories or tips of your own, and please don’t hesitate to reach out to us anytime to have a conversation with one of our team to discuss our making your organisation more diverse and more inclusive.
