Included is a global impact-led D&I consultancy founded by Stephen Frost, former Head of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. We exist to build inclusive organisations and a truly meritocratic workplace. That’s our contribution to making the world a better place.
An inclusive world starts in the workplace. We skilfully and positively disrupt and educate the boardroom to help re-engineer organisations to be more inclusive. We are committed to achieving measurable change in the value added to organisations and to the wider world. Rather than simply words on a page, these are lived by the team on a daily basis.
We bring together leaders with deep expertise in D&I, extensive leadership experience in the worlds of academia, business and government, and strong capability in implementing programmes in the public, private and non-profit sectors.
Our theory of change was developed, tried and tested in the unparalleled environment of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. First, we must understand the problem and define our own “why” in a way that makes sense to us and our work. Second, we must take personal responsibility for our own leadership. No-one else can lead for you. Third, we must deliver – focus on concrete actions that are thought-through, personal to us and make a measurable difference to those around us.
Included was founded as a legacy of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. London 2012 showed the world what inclusion can look and feel like and the value it can bring to individuals and organisations. Ever since, we have helped people and organisations truly understand the value of diversity, take personal leadership responsibility for inclusion, and deliver practical solutions through our global D&I consulting work.